Size: about 4.8 cm
Weight: about 20 gr
Chakra: 1st (Root)
Chemical properties: Na16Ca6Fe3Zr3 (Si3O9) 2 (Si9O27) 2 (OH, Cl) 4.
BEAUTIFUL STONE, RARE! Surely one of the most beautiful of the whole site! (Note the ZIRCON in chemical composition (ZR3).) The size of the bi-finished stone is used to circulate the energy of the two sides (telluric and cosmic). That red is amazing and so special eudialyte. Recommended for athletes, because of the presence of zirconium (ZR3). It was discovered in eudialyte for the first time in the region Kangerdluarssuk in southwest Greenland. It is in the town of Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, as are the two types of eudialyte most recently discovered. The town of Mont Saint-Hilaire is one of the world's richest in minerals: it has 320 known species. Many of these species are extremely rare. It is therefore not surprising that the chemical composition of eudialyte found there is also unique. Very good stone first chakra (energy field of the crotch). Peter very telluric. Bail in rhodonium top (punch it). Carved into my studio.