7th Chakra

7th Chakra


Means LOTUS TO THOUSAND PETALS "in Sanskrit. It also appoints the top chakra, chakra coronal center of the summit, the crown.
It is located at the top of the skull.
Dominant color:
white or black (tourmaline)
The interior light.
Its corresponding meaning:
The expression of our harmony.
Bodies associated with it:
The pineal gland or epiphyseal, serotonin.
The chakra summit brings together all the energies of other chakras. This is the point where the cosmic energy flows. It is the meeting point and melting of cosmic forces of the divine spirit with our own energies. This chakra concerns polarities "pride / harmony / humility." It is linked to all our senses and can feel empathy which is the ability to perceive the physical and emotional people côtoyées. The first chakra puts you in touch with the pulse of life, with the pulse of death. The opening of the summit chakra releases completely the other chakras, opening However, this is only possible after a long work on all other chakras.
Problems associated with this chakra:
There can not be excessive size or nodes, the chakra of the summit is either open or closed. It is rarely open naturally. Also, assuming that you, it is closed.
Stones useful for this chakra: THE BLACK TOURMALINE (formidable and fundamental catalyst!)
Violet stones: amethyst, charoïte, tanzanite.
White stones: rock crystal, gypsum, gemstone, opal white, pearl, moonstone, ulexite.

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